Wednesday, October 6, 2010

growing pains

i'm twenty-six. would you say i am already a grown-up or still growing up? you would've said the first, i hope, yet it is not necessarily the case. i was chatting on bbm with my dear cuz yesterday and we were talking about how far we've gone since high school (we went to the same school!), and we found out that our life is not sorted out yet. mentally, we are so much more mature than before, but on the whole, i don't think we qualify as a settled adult. at least for me, i still feel so young and life is still a big messy blob at the moment!!

i wonder if we will ever finish growing up. i thought the hardest period of your entire life would be the transitional prepubescent to adolescent to young adulthood and things get more stable from then on. in reality, not really. there are always changes, as they always say, the only thing that never changes is the change itself.

you got over the pimply high school period and deciding on schools and universities. check.
you got over the hard scholarly years, drowned in books (unless you were a party animal, unlike me), to finally get your expensive piece of paper with the writings "bachelor of blahblah". check.
you got over resume making, job hunting and fretting about interviews when you finally received your first offer letter. check.
now, all you need to do is to find someone you would want to spend the rest of your life with and then breed and raise a family. good. would life be "settled" from then on?

noooooooooooooooo it doesn't. there is so much shit to learn, still. things you would brush aside quite easily when you were twenty seem to be important now that you are twenty-six. thinking about getting your finances organised for the future? mummy doesn't send munny anymore. balancing work and life without getting too stressed or overthinking it? no more so-called days-off. finding time to do things you want to do for yourself? i haven't been baking or knitting in ages! learning to surrender more to God when there are so many more things you want to control? not checked.

growing up is painful. i dun think i am ready to be a full-fledged adult yet.
but life goes on, yea?

one thing to always remember, is to give thanks :3
then everything won't be so bad anymore.

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