Wednesday, February 9, 2011

for whoever who's feeling like this, you are not alone

apparently it is not just me going crazy. everyone's mind gone haywire lately. welcome to quarter life crisis.

i don't usually trust wikipedia, but their description of what characterises quarter life crisis kinda fits what i have been feeling lately, so just this time, i'll cite them here. they say, early-twenties like me (and maybe you) would have gone through or is going through one or few of the followings:

"confronting one's own mortality
insecurity concerning ability to love oneself, let alone another person
insecurity regarding present accomplishments
re-evaluation of close interpersonal relationships
lack of friendships or romantic relationships, sexual frustration, and involuntary celibacy
disappointment with one's job
nostalgia for university, college, high school, middle school or elementary school life
tendency to hold stronger opinions
boredom with social interactions
loss of closeness to high school and college friends
financially-rooted stress
loneliness, depression and suicidal tendencies
desire to have children
a sense that others are doing better than oneself
frustration with social skills"

and damn right, they're pretty spot on.
what to do? what to do?


i dunno about you, but as for me, i'll stick to my God, my Lord and my Jesus. He does get me through the day, day by day and everyday. i'll have faith. will you?


Jessica said...

~ Darling, I do concur and I have been undergoing the similar crisis right at the moment ~ U'r not alone.

fei said...

Iya nih semua yg aku ajak ngobrol akhir2 ini pada stress hal yg sama... Life's hard but we'll never give up :) coz we have the everlasting :)) love u jess

ellen said...

walaoo, me too! >,<