Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Work? Life?

*yawn stretch stretch*

Woohoo, I'm on a roll today. My third post in one evening! (albeit being done in the comfort of my bed via my super hi tech chrissie present haha).

I was proofreading my last post for the third time after some minor editing, grammar correction and layout adjustment, you know, as I always do with every post, when I noticed on the sidebar that I blogged significantly less in 2010, that is when work started to get busy. Since I am still on the subject of quarter life crisis, my current affliction and thorn in the flesh, I wanted to share my view on work-life balance. How much work do you need to do? And how much life do we need to get, really?

We work to live, not live to work. Cliche. Yet, how many people do live to work? I have a good friend who enjoys his work so much, it might as well be his hobby. Not me though, I love my job but I love to live too. I am probably on the lazier side, wanting to work four days in a week if I can afford it, then I will have more time to spend living. I am still working five days a week, if you're wondering. But yeah, o how I long for less working days. I wouldn't call this sheer laziness. There are so many things I want to do. Productive things. Things that actually matters in life, at least for me, like having time to cook more, so I can eat healthier, to read more, to exercise more, to learn new things (as a matter of fact, basic life skills I haven't mastered yet at the age of 26: swimming and driving). Do devotional routinely and properly, not a rushed one with only few watts energy left. And I definitely want to blog more!

Boo said the other day, maybe you just need to manage your time better. He did not know he was talking to wrong kind of person. Asking a bloody perfectionist to manage her time better is incredibly offensive. And I was a bit too proud and very emotional at that time, so obviously I got angry. Full time work drains one's energy to the extent that when you get home, all you want to do is just to zonk on the bed. But often you have to make dinner first, then do dishes, laundry, throw rubbish out, and run all this household chores before that sweet rendezvous with dear bed. And that's provided you go home straight away. What if you have other things to do after work? Prayer meetings, catching up with friends, appointments. No wonder people get stressed and no wonder I get sick every forthnight.

Sunday's always a busy day for me too. Ministering and serving the Lord brings joy, and it has always been enjoyable. I don't mind pushing myself for it. Yet, sometimes, Sunday night I will go to bed feeling unrested and wondering quietly how on earth am I going to survive the coming week with such battered body.

Anyways, back to what boo was saying, he's got a point, but I think I have a point too. How would you define life? How would you define a fulfilled life? Success? Happiness? I've learned that living is about purpose, about chasing and doing God's purpose in our life, however with all the worldly job we still have and all the worldly responsibilities that we have in that worldly job, surely we still have to do the best? How about our health? Are we not supposed to be looking after our body? Are not we responsible for it? And call me selfish, I still need time to do things I want to do, just to keep me sane. What to do? I really don't know, otherwise, I wouldn't be in such a crisis, would I?

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