Wednesday, August 3, 2011

love and faith

God is so gracious. there are always lessons to learn everyday if we want to listen to Him. sometimes we just need to drop everything down and listen. sis said, God whispers from time to time :3

i was humbled yesterday. God keeps dealing with my pride, my vilest, most prominent vice. He said, humility is the key. if i wanna soar higher with Him, i've gotta bow lower. less of me and more of Him.

if you read one of my recent posts, i wrote about God's promise to me, that's kinda awesome, since God always promises awesome things. yet, He gave me the second lesson, presence-102, straight away :p

i was in the prayer tower yesterday, expecting great things. i did receive something, however not in a way i expected. we were deep in worship when this thought flashed into my mind. "hey, who do you think you are that you can pull God's presence down?" man! it's so true! who we are to think that God's presence comes down because of our praises and worship? it is up to Him, isn't it? He is sovereign! and, it really is up to Him whether He wants to manifest His presence or not. it is all by grace. we can only plead, ask for His grace and mercy. and we can be so bold to ask, also all because of grace Himself has come down to reconcile us with God. the blood of the true sacrifice, the true High Priest, sanctified us to enter that sanctum sanctorum. it was humbling, really humbling.

so, if it is up to God to manifest His presence, why would He does it so very often for us? i cannot go to any other conclusion but love. God loves His people. God wants to be intimate His people and wants His people to know Him with passion and fervency. God's heart will not stand if His people cry out to Him with all of their hearts. He will surely come down to meet us. just like the Father who ran to meet His prodigal son. we cannot reach Him, so He reaches down. isn't it beautiful?

the danger of being overly "spiritual" is that we tend to rely on our feelings or emotions about things. do we feel moved? do we feel something stirred up in our hearts? i firmly believe that is one of the way God speaks to us, a way the Holy Spirit reveals God's mysteries to us. what i also believe is that there will be "dry" times in the sense that i will not be able to sense anything, although by faith, i believe God omnipresent is always with me, in here, in my heart. this is when my faith is exercised, "the just shall live by faith".

o how precious faith is!
it is "confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."

i did not feel God's presence as i would usually felt last night.
but i felt love. His passionate, zealous, rapturous love :3

thank You, Lord!
i really can't wait for what's to come!

let's keep pursuing Him!
keep adding to our faith with the hearing of the Word and experiencing His glorious love, every step of our way, till we meet Him face to face <3

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