Thursday, April 30, 2009


we humans are creatures of habit. some habits are good, such as our ritual of washing face, hands and feet everytime sis and i get home. some are bad, and some are just plain disgusting (like picking your nose or scratching you butt in public). nevertheless, habit has unconsciously become a part our everyday life. we tend to sit at the same spot in class, take the same train to work, all just because we're used to it.

for example, the time i roll out of bed each working morning and the time i leave the house just in time to catch the latest train possible that will get me to work early enough to make a cup of coffee are always the same. what's more, i always take the first carriage, for two good reasons: i get to get off the train just right in front of the station gate (hey, least amount of walking), and, i get to refresh my sleepy eyes most mornings with the only good thing about sydenham line, the-young-good-looking-dude-with-a-book-who-always-sit-in-the-corner :D

well, just what i need to get through cold winter mornings. something to look forward to :p


ellen said...


fei said...

an eye candy won't harm u~~