Sunday, April 26, 2009


sometimes i wonder,

why did God put a collection of nerds as my family here in melbourne?

nerdiness is the most common condition contracted by carltoners, taking the crown from tone-deafness. roughly 90% of carlton 4 is either nerdy, geeky, studious or simply smart. i'm not gonna do a headcount but we do have a range of variety, which includes several masters in accounting, a phd student who lives to experiment on ceramics, a design student who partially inhabits computer labs, library and workshop, a dentist, and more.

everytime we go out - especially when it's just us with no additionals - we talk about how the smell from burnt tire is actually harmful to your lung, what grey water is, and how the tap water in melbourne is fluoridated at 1ppm, over our meals, no matter if it's in a dingy lane restaurant in chinatown or a belgian beer cafe that serves amazing duck confit or just coffees and hot chocolates.

maybe it's the passion in whatever we're doing, which is a good thing. you need passion in life, to do everything wholeheartedly. to enjoy what you do, to love what you do. even in spiritual life, how passionate you are about our Lord determines whether it's going to be a pleasure or a pressure following Him.


i am just so proud to be one of them nerds.

1 comment:

ellen said...

love love them much! :D