Wednesday, May 18, 2011

wake up!

i took a sickie on monday. yeah i know. it's bad. and i am lazy. i was too tired and it was too cold. i hated my current manager for squeezing in fifteen minutes appointments and overloading my usually pretty cruisy days. it too a toll on me physically and affected me mentally. i was unhappy. so i took the sickie with little guilt.

but then, these words came to me thru boo.

"1 Pet 2:13-25, 1 Pet 3:1-7

I actually read 1 Pet 3 first, but you need to read 1 Pet 2 to really understand. so initially, Peter was talking in 1 Pet 2:13:

"Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men..."

But by no means does it mean that we have to be a pushover or do all the wrong things that this authority commands us to do, but instead to "Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover up for evil; live as servants of God." (v16). This particular passage is full of confirmation on how to do our work, how to be citizens of this country. For all of us who are working / looking for work, take heed to this passage:

"v18. Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. v19. For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is concious of God. v20. But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. v21. To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in His steps."

I'm sure all of us who worked has experienced this before; where we feel so tired, scared to go to work even, for various reasons: too exhausted, too stressed, too sad, too much pressure, etc. But it's a timely reminder that the bible said to do our best and submit to our authorities, not to do it for them or ourselves even, but for God. Wouldn't knowing this gives you a different, better purpose to wake up? take note though, it's not only that this is an encouragement; this is an order! verse 21 said that we are called to this, as an example of Christ! But do not be afraid; He who called you will also strengthen you for good works, because He will never give us anything beyond our power.

We can find out more of His reasons for this, in 1 Pet 3:1-2 "Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over wthout words by the behavior of their wives, v2. when they see the purity and reverence of your lives."

I'm not talking about the relationship between wives and husbands, but clearly, what rings true in this verse rings true in the previous passage (clue: in the same way). We are ambassadors of Christ! in the end this is what we are called for: to bring glory to His name, and it's not at church.

I'd like to share that this is a great time for me to ponder, because honestly, today I really felt scared of going to work. our company have an audit on this week, and it's a very important one. On top of that there is so much work to be done. I was seriously considering not coming to work today due to the stress. but then this passage 'talks' to me, and it gives me a renewal of strength and mind. Bring it on! Come what may! It will be God's Grace that sustains me! so I woke up today, went to work at peace, turn on my computer and I prayed. Now, nothing is going to scare me as long as I am in Him! I am only His servants; He will give me the resources I need to pull through, and all glory be only to Him

Have a blessed monday and week everyone!


i was shamed. we both faced the same challenge to leave the comfort of home and especially those warm doonas, but he overcome and i succumbed. what makes the difference? the words God spoke to him thru the bible.

this tells me how important it is to start our day with God. He equipped us, with His personally fitted provision, new every morning and always more than enough. i did not understand this before. i thought it was enough to have some sort of fellowship with God, doesn't matter morning or night or whateve time during the day as long as you do it. but without realising it, that perspective makes me turning the relationsip into a duty. as long as you do it, eh?

we need to truly understand that we need Him every day, every hour and be desperate enough to say, i will not take a step without You. there will be new revelations every day and this is the lesson i got and i want to share with you this week.

many times we will feel like we're going backwards in our christian life, feeling like you don't know anything about Him. i can tell you, provided that you keep close to God, you haven't, really. you are merely being humbled, because the more you get to know God, the more you know how insufficient you are. and how His grace is always greater.

have a blessed evening!


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