Saturday, January 17, 2009

pursuit of happyness

why the pursuit of happyness? it’s not just because someone so casually jested yet seriously considering that he would title his latest article from another well-known tear-jerker Hollywood ultimate chick flick, one of his attempts to be unsuccessfully funny and i’m trying to be equally lame, but why don’t i for once talk about cheerful things rather than my usual rants of life struggles. and everyone does want to be happy, don’t you?

“happiness is not a word we can understand by looking it up in the dictionary”. so so very true. a mere knowledge, or even understanding, of the many descriptions of the word itself cannot make us feel happy for happiness is born from within the depth of our hearts. therefore, talking of happiness, what would be the best place to start but the happiest letter in the Bible.

KD shared a short passage from the letter of joy, twice, so i thought, why don’t I read the whole book of Philippians? as more words passes through my optic nerve cells into the semi-functioning processing department of my brain which just woken up during this too early hour, i came to realize that Paul was just plain happy while writing this letter from a dark, damp, dingy, dirty prison cell, being persecuted for defending the Gospel. for me, it is just humanly impossible. see, i was stressed enough sitting lazingly everyday, looking for employment in the comfort of latest technology where SEEK-ing job is done at the click of a computer mouse, imagine what state of insanity i would be in if i am to stepped into Paul’s shoes?

looking at the sort of things that brought delight into Paul’s heart, it makes you feel like shit for being the selfish bastards we are. to list some which i can draw out with half brain capacity: in seeing the church in Philippi grew strong in their faith, in knowing that the Message was being preached whether the motives were “mixed, bad or indifferent” at the cost of his imprisonment, and in, well, everything.

11b i have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 i know what it is to be in need, and i know what it is to have plenty. i have learned the secret of being content in any way and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 i can do everything through Christ who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:11b-13)

the secret lies within the very essence of the last sentence. we know the answer all this while, yet the verse is far too familiar it tends to just passed by our minds. this guy, Paul, only had one thing in his head, Christ. Christ alone can brew happiness, no, something better than that in your heart, the blessed little thing called JOY, as an inevitable by-product of experiencing Himself personally, through walking hand-in-hand with Him, trusting Him instead of fretting and worrying, and delving in the desire to build an intimate relationship with Him, WHATEVER happens.

most people use happiness and joy interchangeably when strictly speaking they are two words of different natures. temporary happiness might not last, but the joy from the Lord is everlasting and will keep overflowing in our hearts provided we’re stuck to Him like branches to its nurturing vine, thus birthing “love, JOY, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control”.

do you want to be happy? i know i want to.


kenny.W said...

is it so difficult to put my comment in words to describe my feeling after read you essay but anyway I hope you will get your happyness soon la

if you don't mind get me a litte bit

fei said...

oh i have been flooded with joy since i realized that i am LOVED by our amazing God~~

God'll give u that joy too, just keep close to Him^^