Sunday, October 12, 2008

no worries

often we are over-familiarized to a verse that we tend to forget what it really means. take this one for example:

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life...
...Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"
Matthew 6:25a,27

so, yeah, although i did not know about the global financial crisis until KD mentioned it in the sermon this morning (pardon my ignorance :p now that i know i think i worry more), i was worrying for quite a lot of things. in fact, i think about too many things. not exactly unnecessary things to think about, but it is unnecessary to worry too much about such things. and today's word is exactly the answer to my worries.

i have read this popular verse so many times. but to truly understand its meaning? maybe not. it's easy to say amen to God's words when we are in a comfortable position, when circumstances dont push you around. we say, yes, God is good, coz life is so good at that moment.

but to say that God is good when you have so much to worry about?

that is something to learn.
to put all hope and faith in our Lord.
to be rest assured that He takes care of His children.
maybe what He provided for us is not what we want, but hey, God knows best.

as for me, i am dreading this transitional period, from student life into profesional life, from old apartment to new apartment (which i havent even found yet!), from the the dependent me to the independent me, but then again, JC is with me. and He said that each day has enough trouble of its own, why should i worry if i have God who will sustain me? as long as you seek first His kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

I THANK GOD for giving me just what i needed.
p.s. i know this is random, but if God is an Aussie, He will say "no worries, mate!"
lol, hope you are all blessed too!


ivan said...

barusan ketua FAkuw di sg jg nulis quote ttg kekawatiran...
ini dia:

fei said...

iyah van, semua yg kita worry about di dunia ini, ternyata cuman "shit"
jadi ya no worries deh